Futures Forge Blog

Founders and facilitators share their insights about personal development and growth, college and careers, and some inside looks into the science behind Futures Forge. Subscribe to receive updates in our newsletter digest.

You Must Develop These Skills To Stand Out To College Admissions
George Pygall George Pygall

You Must Develop These Skills To Stand Out To College Admissions

You’re smart, and others are smart, too: unfortunately, the Ivy League doesn’t have enough seats for everyone who’s smart enough. To differentiate yourself, you need to take action now and demonstrate proficiency in a set of skills that will strengthen your application - and set you up for success long after.

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Developing Grit Is One of the Most Important Things a Young Adult Can Do for Their Future
George Pygall George Pygall

Developing Grit Is One of the Most Important Things a Young Adult Can Do for Their Future

Grit is the single most important thing you can develop to drive your long term performance and personal development. It’s as important as intelligence in determining college and career performance; unlike intelligence, you can improve it through your entire life. Simply, if you lack grit, you will crack. Setbacks will get you down, and constructive feedback will make you whither.

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