Skills for Success 2

An Advanced Course for
Graduates of Skills for Success

What's Different in S4S2?

  • Mega-Challenge Kickoff: We start with an intense, multi-day challenge that sets the tone for deeper learning and self-discovery. Frequent feedback, interim presentations, and milestones drive high-speed iteration and rapid learning.

  • More Realistic Business Simulations: Students take on business projects that realistically reflect work at consulting firms, engineering or product jobs, sales and marketing, finance, etc. The lessons from these projects become a major component of a college or internship application.

  • Focused Coaching: Students can expect more frequent and more intense 1:1 and team coaching sessions, allowing for a deeper exploration of their personal and professional growth.

  • Hands-On Learning as a Coach: Students will observe and give feedback to teams in S4S1, enhancing the coach’s understanding of team dynamics, and growing their own awareness through observing and coaching others.

  • Driving Greater Self-Awareness and Motivation: We’ll spend more time on personality assessments like the Enneagram and DISC, diving deeper into what motivates students both in the short and long term. Students will discuss as teams and with facilitators what the implications are for what they work on, and how they work.

  • Greater Responsibility: S4S2 encourages students to take greater ownership of their development, understanding their impact on others, and improving their ability to coach themselves and their peers.

Welcome to Skills for Success 2 (S4S2), the next step in your journey, exclusively designed for graduates of the Skills for Success Course (S4S1). S4S2 directly prepares students to make an impact on day one of a summer internship or school year co-op. Such preparation supports students to execute, but also enhances their applications.

If you haven't yet completed Skills for Success, please learn more about it here. You may attend both courses this summer; you need only apply once.

S4S2 builds on the foundations of S4S1, but with some key differences. Here’s what you can expect: