Futures Forge Alumni Perform.

Futures Forge alumni have a dramatic advantage applying for, and arriving at, their universities and internships.

Our alumni are more confident, better leaders, better teammates, better speakers. They are elite problem-solvers and critical thinkers. They have superior grit and adaptability. They take responsibility and initiative.

It shows in their personal essays, their interviews, and—most importantly—their first day on campus and on site.

Futures Forge students develop rapidly using the same techniques that develop elite management consultants and early startup employees, led by veterans of both. At their core, both industries use intense, high-responsibility, real-world challenges combined with direct, feedback-first coaching to quickly bring talented grads into roles of outsized impact and criticality.

Futures Forge students learn the same way, long before they graduate and enter the workplace.

Global Top-Performers
Become Higher Performers

“This is one of the few courses that can take you from overachiever to over-overachiever.”

-Gian (Nicaragua), S4S 2024

“After this course, you will be able to consult like an actual consultant.”

-Esther (China, Cal Berkeley Undergrad), S4S 2024

“The Skills for Success course taught me skills that I would never have gained in a traditional classroom. Instead of tackling problems with brute force, I've learned to approach them from a different perspective and efficiently arrive at an effective solution.”

-Annika (United States), S4S 2024

“The 2 weeks at Skills for Success are invaluable. These skills and attributes are incredibly relevant to your personal, academic, and professional life.”

-Aaden (Singapore), S4S 2024

Our Founders Know What it Takes to Win.

Futures Forge’s founders have been innovators in developing young talent for decades, as top-destination employers. We know what top employers look for, and how to successfully develop it:

Nat Greene founded Stroud International in 2001, and led it as CEO, winning Best Small Consulting Firm in America 7 out of 8 years. Stroud recruits exclusively from top-10 universities in the US, UK, and Canada, accepting 3% of applicants. Stroud’s talent management system spins off dozens of executives and company founders, typically leading large organizations at very young ages.

Erik Fogg (MIT undergrad/masters) has led 3 venture-backed startups, founding two, and bringing one to exit after raising $25M and growing to nearly 60 employees. Erik’s “founder factory” growth and coaching system within ProdPerfect led to 3 new tech startups spinning off in the two years before exit.

Backed by Science: Erik is also an academic and deep researcher. In addition to employing our innovations and lessons from industry, our curriculum and pedagogy use proven methods from educational psychology and neuroscience. Through our system of Catalytic Learning, we foster deep engagement and help students internalize the critical skills they need to succeed in any future environment. Our students repeatedly share that they learned more in 2 weeks at Futures Forge than in 2 years at school.

Strengthening Your Application

Futures Forge helps students transform into candidates that top universities and employers seek out. Our students develop the cognitive and psychological skills that employers say are most missing, giving them a strong advantage in internship and job applications.

Admissions officers at elite universities increasingly seek out candidates who can make an impact in the world, and improve the university’s standing with the employer market. By demonstrating that you have the skills to make a big impact with an organization on day one, you will have a recruiting advantage that is tremendously unique compared to yet-another math camp.

It's more critical than ever to stand out in the college admissions process—fewer colleges are guaranteed to be around in the coming years, and you want to make sure your university still exists when you’re job-hunting.

How Futures Forge Helps College Applicants

  • Internship Impact: By mastering teamwork, problem-solving, communication, thinking, adaptability, and more, our students contribute immediately during internships, driving high-impact results that set them apart with employers. 

  • University Readiness: These same skills mean students are able to take effective responsibility for managing their workload, their weekly schedule, and their study habits. Futures Forge graduates lead teams and clubs, seize research opportunities, plan in advance how to earn their major… sometimes in less than four years.

Demonstrable real-world skills, reflectiveness and hunger for feedback, maturity, motivation, and capacity for growth make the above possible. When these attributes are shared with admissions officers as part of a coherent story, they generate a massive advantage in selection. 

Don’t I Need a Brand Name Summer Program?

Generally, admissions officers at the Ivy Leagues make clear that having your own unique story and strength is critical to your application. Here’s what one of our colleagues in the college admissions consulting world said on the matter:

Big-name programs such as Harvard Summer School and CTY do not move the needle of admissions all that much. Their great value is the potential for a transformative experience which the student can write about in their essays or even better, help focus their entire college application. Futures Forge can do that just as well as those programs, by teaching real world skills, inspiring students to live up to their potential, and giving a taste of professions which might narrow down their target colleges and proposed areas of study.

Join us, stand out, and win your future.